Energy industry & consulting

Our strong expertise lies in the areas of renewable energy, energy management and storage. In combination with the methods of networking information systems and digitalization tools, we are able to evaluate and analyze the technology deployment of renewable energies and energy storage at different TRLs.

The results help to establish a targeted, data-based life cycle and energy demand management and to have the energy supply situation and necessary installations permanently under control.


  • Evaluation of the use of renewable energies with the skillful use of information technologies
  • Evaluation and comparison of different technologies against the background of costs, ecological footprint as well as acceptance on the part of the citizens
  • Participation in the control market for electrical power as well as formation of decentralized or virtual power plants


  • Evaluation of the use of renewable energies with the skillful use of information technologies
  • Evaluation and comparison of different technologies against the background of costs, ecological footprint as well as acceptance on the part of the citizens
  • Participation in the control market for electrical power as well as formation of decentralized or virtual power plants
  • Evaluation of the use of renewable energies with the skillful use of information technologies with the coupling with production processes
  • Evaluation and comparison of different technologies in terms of cost and environmental footprint as well as resilience, market-readiness-level and security
  • Recommendations for new technologies and installations
  • Scaling of storage for existing demand situations
  • Participation in the control market for electrical power
  • Evaluation of the use of renewable energies with the skilful use of information technologies at the level of global renewable energy trade
  • Evaluation and comparison of different technologies before ecological footprint and above all resilience and security
  • Risk management in the field of energy supply for critical infrastructures as well as seasonal security of supply

Heat planning as a future nationwide standard .

The Heat Planning Act creates the legal basis for the binding and systematic introduction of comprehensive heat planning throughout Germany.

Heat planning is intended to be a pioneering instrument, based on local conditions, to show a way in which the heat supply can be gradually converted to the use of renewable energies or unavoidable waste heat in the future. The Heat Planning Act contains specifications for content and a sensible sequence of individual work steps up to the creation of a heat plan, as well as staggered specifications for heat network operators for the decarbonization of their networks.

A prominent goal of heat planning is to determine the best and most cost-efficient way to a climate-friendly and advanced heat supply on site. The federal government provides financial and advisory support in the preparation of heat plans.

Die Wärmeplanung als zukünftiger bundesweiter Standard

Das Wärmeplanungsgesetz schafft die rechtliche Grundlage für die verbindliche und systematische Einführung einer flächendeckenden Wärmeplanung in ganz Deutschland. Die Wärmeplanung soll als wegweisendes Instrument auf der Grundlage der lokalen Gegebenheiten einen Weg aufzeigen, wie zukünftig Schritt für Schritt die Wärmeversorgung auf die Nutzung von Erneuerbaren Energien oder unvermeidbarer Abwärme umgestellt werden kann. Das Wärmeplanungsgesetz enthält Vorgaben für Inhalte und eine sinnvolle Abfolge von einzelnen Arbeitsschritten bis zur Erstellung eines Wärmeplans und daneben auch zeitlich gestaffelte Vorgaben an die Wärmenetzbetreiber zur Dekarbonisierung ihrer Netze.

Ein herausragendes Ziel der Wärmeplanung ist es, den vor Ort besten und kosteneffizientesten Weg zu einer klimafreundlichen und fortschrittlichen Wärmeversorgung zu ermitteln. Der Bund unterstützt finanziell und beratend bei der Erstellung der Wärmepläne.

Meeting Request

Preparation of a municipal heating plan (KWP) / energy utilisation plan (ENP)


Erstellung eines kommunalen Heizwärmeplans (KWP) / Energienutzungsplans (ENP)